Monday, October 10, 2005

Again I was a couple of points over my daily allowance. That is not really a problem, I had more than enough activity points to swap and have not touched my weekly points allowance yet. The scale this morning indicates that I'm not doing badly but not spectacular either, that's normal for 3 days to weigh in. Odd how I seem to just shed weight the last couple of days before weigh in. I guess that's the reason they say to weigh once a week at the same time and day. Our bodies seem to be on a cycle and you want to catch the cycle in the same spot. Don't know if that's true but it fits the evidence and makes some sense.

One thing I don't like about Weight Watchers eTools is that, without getting really creative in your reporting, it forces you to use ALL your activity points for the day before using ANY of your weekly points allowance. Personally I'd rather not use the activity points most times and instead take the points from the weekly points allowance. But there's ways around it even if they are a bit clunky if you're like me and want to get credit for exercise done even if you don't want to use that credit.

The thing is I've noticed that one huge binge like I did a week ago Saturday at Lee's birthday party is less injurous to my results than the way I'm doing this week and going just a couple of points over on a few days. I'm not sure why that is but again it seems to fit the evidence. We'll see how this week turns out. It's way too early for me to start worrying yet :)

Here is yesterday's WW Journal:

Daily Points Allowance:           28
Food Points Used:                 30
Activity Points earned:            5 70min Brisk Walk
Activity Points swapped:           2
                     Point Total:  0

Weekly points allowance used:      0
Weekly points allowance balance:  35

Food Journal:

Banana, 81g                        1
6oz Yopolait Light Cherry Yogurt   2
                        subtotal:  3

1 medium apple                     1
burritos                           9
                        subtotal: 10

2oz uncooked pasta                 4
1/2c Healthy Choice Spag Sauce     1
2 turkey meatballs                 2
Salad w/gorgonzola and bacon       4
                        subtotal: 11

2 WW round van Icecream sand       4
2 Mrs. Fields Nibblers cookies     2
                        subtotal:  6

               Total food points: 30


Anonymous said...

I don't even have any scales, so need to find some to see how I am doing.  But I am feeling more energetic, and that alone tells me my food choices have done some good. A 70 min brisk walk had to do you good... but what a hot day for it, but you did it.  I have been doing a lot better about eating breakfast before I leave for work even tho I have to get up earlier which I HATE... but I do feel much better and like that fact that I am not STARVING soon after I get to work and can not think about food til lunchtime.. so breakfast really helps.

Anonymous said...

yanno.... "To Thine Own Self Be True".....
  i enjoy your journal......thanks for sharing