Friday, October 28, 2005

Thursday's food journal

Well I'm back to counting points and actualy think I may have gone a few days there when I was not counting points that I didn't eat ENOUGH. That could be why I only gained 2.8 pounds during the last two weeks. Looking at this list though while I stayed in my points my choices need to improve. I need to work in more veggies and fruits for snacks I think. That's just a personal preference though. I like the junk, even low fat junk but I know the fruits and veggies are better for me. I'll see what I can do on that front. Here, now, is what I ate yesterday.

Food journal:

Daily Points Allowance:             28
Food Points Used:                   28
Activity Points earned:              4 (50 min walk)
Activity Points swapped:             4
                     Point Total:    0

Weekly points allowance used:        0
Weekly points allowance balance:    35

Food Journal:

no breakfast before WW

Morning snack
2 Snackwells Devil's Food cookies    2

2 Gortons Cajun Blackened Fillets    5
2 Wonder Light Hamburger Buns        2.5
2 slices FF Sharp Cheddar            1
Lettuce, tomato, onion               0
                          sub total: 8.5

1 Slice Pizza (mall)                 6
1/2 c FF cottage cheese             1.5
1 WW round vanilla Icecream sand     2
                           subtotal: 9.5

evening snack
1 WW round vanilla ice cream sand    2
1 Mrs Fields cookie (connie's fault) 6

                 Total food points: 28


Anonymous said...

Curses to Mrs. Fields!!!!!  Six points for one stinkin cookie...I guess it was better than some halloween candy! You are doing great...I think I need to try that fish.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill....just catching up on journals before I leave! I'm so behind on the computer....YIKES!!!!

I'm coing your way in a few hours....keep that sun out there for us! My hubby will have his PC, so I'm gonna check mail now & then when I can. Do you go to WW meetings? I was wondering if there was one close by Disney? I'm thinking maybe one morning I can stop in and get weighed, just to stay accountable, ya know? My Marv is such a sweetheart and so good to me, I know he will take me if we know where one is. If you me an e-mail, and when I check mail I can get directions. We're in the Disney Vacation Club so we'd be coming from Old Key West Resort....if that helps.

Sorry I'm so behind in e-mail & journals, I'll get back in sync when I return.....but I see you're back on plan after your trip, Good For You!!!! :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

How many points in the fruits?? I would want to get the MOST for my points!!! Yea you need to get more veggies and fruits in there!!!  Quit blaming Connie.... YOU bought them for her!!!!!!!!!!  Now why didn't you buy her a beatiful fruit basket instead?? LOL!!!!!!!