Thursday, October 13, 2005

Another good Weigh In

Just got back from my weekly weigh in. It was not as good as last week but that is hardly surprising. It was, however, something that I think I can maintain relatively steadily if I stick with it and that is all I could ask.

I was down 2.0 lbs to 231.6 and have 30.6 to my goal weight. At this rate that could be just fifteen weeks. Of course with Thanksgiving and Christmas in there not to mention my upcoming Tunica trip that could be unreasonable to expect but on the other hand it's not impossible!

Here is yesterday's weight watcher journal:

Daily Points Allowance:            28
Food Points Used:                  25.5
Activity Points earned:             4
Activity Points swapped:            0
                     Point Total:  +2.5

Weekly points allowance used:       0
Weekly points allowance balance:   35

Food Journal:

Breakfast Sandwiches on light bread w/ham    6

Stir fry with squash, other veggies, chicken 3

Afternoon snack
WW blueberry muffin                          3
Yoplait light Boston Cream Pie yogurt        2
                                  subtotal:  6

117g cooked lean beef steak (NY strip)       5
oven grilled veggies w/200g potato           2.5

Quakes ranch flavor                          2
nibblers                                     2

                         Total food points: 25.5


Anonymous said...

yipee....keep up the good work.... you'll be a mere shadow of your former self :)

Anonymous said...

A somewhat belated welcome to my journal. I hope you are enjoying your visits. Thank you for your comments and encouragement. I love them both and need them!

Anonymous said...

YIPPPPEEEEEEE!! Congrats on the great Weigh In, you're really doing awesome....keep up the good work!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

You know any loss is good no matter what it is.. and how many times have you told me that at 2 lb a week loss is a good pace.. But I know it can be frustrating wanting faster results.  Patience!!!!!!!  HEE HEE  I should talk !!!!

Anonymous said...

<GROAN> it still hurts my pride to weigh (exactly) as much as a man NOT TO MENTION a man who feels he is overweight and is trying to LOSE!  :o(  Oh well...
You're doing great - and I feel ya about the holidays - FOR ME, I have made a deal with myself - the day of the holiday HUGE insane crazy over eating, the next day MODEST left overs and then NO MORE.  I hope I can stick to it.